Sections and topics:

Plenary session Theme: Science, education and production: development problems
Geodesy and Remote Sensing Section 1. Application of space activity results: GNSS, remote sensing;
2. Hardware and methods for geodetic measurements processing: geodetic instruments, aerial photography and scanning, ground-based mobile scanning, mathematical processing of geodetic measurements, software;
3. Applied geodesy: engineering and mining surveying; deformation monitoring; industrial geodesy.
Cartography Section 1. The development of theory and methodology of modern cartography;
2. Mapping in the interests of sectoral and regional development;
3. Cartographic support of ecological activity.
4. Historical and cartographic researches, cartographic heritage objects.
Geoinformatics Section 1. Open source GIS software;
2. GIS and Web;
3. Multidisciplinary studies with application of GIS.
Cadastre Section 1. Modern concept of the real estate cadastre. The goals of professional training of specialists and law enforcement practice;
2. Solutions of land use problems in implementation of cadastre activity.
Round table discussion: «Modern problems of land use and cadastre»
Междисциплинарные секции 1. Geodesy and Cartography: the history and the present (The section is dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the St. Petersburg Society for Surveying & Mapping);
2. Professional education in geodesy, cartography, geoinformatics and cadastre.

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