Dear colleagues!

We cordially invite you to take part in the IVth International Conference on Applied Science «Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Cadastre. Science and Education», which will take place in Saint Petersburg on November 2–3 rd, 2021.

Our Сonference is the platform for experience exchanging and presentation of research projects and innovation results. It will bring together specialists and scientists from universities and scientific research institutes, graduates, students, professionals from geodetic and cartographic companies, vendors of geodetic, cartographic, GIS equipment and software and also those, who use geodetic, cartographic and GIS technologies in their activities.

The Conference program will consist of plenary meeting and work of sections. In the days of the Conference, there will be celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the St. Petersburg College of Geodesy and Cartography (Leningrad Topographic College) and the 90th anniversary of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of St. Petersburg State University. Collection of the Сonference materials will be published.

The main venue – ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Lomonosova st. 9).

Application forms for participation are accepted until October 30, 2021; abstracts submission is opened until September 15, 2021. Participation in the main events of the conference is free of charge. Due to limited time of the Conference, reports for presentation will be selected by the Organizing Committee.

To get more information about the Сonference program, terms, conditions and to apply for the participation in the Conference, please, visit our website You can also contact us by e-mail: or telephone number +7 (812) 309-71-67.

Yours respectfully, Organizing Committee.

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